Tashi Tak Gyed Ki Kilkhor - Mandala of Eight Lucky Signs
Artist: Ven. Guru Yoezer (Monastery: Latoe Namgal Cholling)
-The precious umbrella saves us from all this life’s obstacles
-The yellow fish swim as they like without fear in the ocean. Like that is a dependent arising for oneself and others to run and enjoy freely with no resistance from happiness to happiness without fear of drowning in the oceans of suffering.
-The vase of great treasure is a dependent arising that brings unceasingly all desired things, the fortune of a glorious life, enjoyments and so forth in the three realms of existence.
-The lotus is a dependent arising that frees us from all the stains of mistakes – the non-virtues of body, speech and mind.
-The white conch shell swirling clockwise is a dependent arising announcing the sweet melody of the profound and extensive Dharma that fits the elements.
-The glorious pel beu is a dependent arising for Dharma and politics to utilize and support each other in one continuous connection.
-The banner is a dependent arising for the activities of one’s own three doors and those of others not be stepped upon by obstacles or disharmonious conditions but to be victorious.
-The golden Dharmachakra is a dependent arising for the precious wheel of the holy Dharma. Wherever these eight auspicious signs exist, there will be the dependent arising of increasing the virtue of auspiciousness.